Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Joseph Cianciotto: A Parent's Unconditional Support


Joseph Cianciotto: Support Your Children's Passions

Parental involvement is an integral aspect of a child's development, and bolstering that confidence with support from their parents can be invaluable. Joseph Cianciotto, a father to two children in Long Island, sees the positive impact expressed encouragement has on his offspring. Allowing your kids to take risks as they learn will enable them to grow into independent individuals with self-confidence for life's future experiences.

Probably, the best way of doing it is by simply being there. Show up for their school, sports, and other important events. It is one of the most basic avenues for parents to support their kids.

Typically, children have a ton of activities in and out of school. Be present for all their events, be it a school play, a sports match, a music recital, or anything else. Joseph Cianciotto says that when a child has to perform in front of a crowd, the presence of a parent is a game-changer. Being there not only takes away a huge part of the nerves, but the presence of the parents also boosts their child's belief in themselves and their desire to do their best.

Another way for parents to support their children is more indirect than the first one. Joseph Cianciotto says that telling stories about past childhood glory can motivate children to do better.


In the eyes of a child, a parent is the greatest at whatever the parent does. Parents know everything and can do anything. Therefore, parents are the first and main examples by which children pattern themselves after.

So, Joseph Cianciotto says that stories of grandeur shared between parents and children act as a beacon, inspiring the younger generation to follow in their footsteps. Through encouragement and positive affirmations given by adults, kids can develop an unshakeable faith that they, too, can achieve greatness.

Digital media veteran, New York resident, and family man Joseph Cianciotto has written a series of blogs on parenthood. The blogs can be found on his blogsite. Click here.

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