Learn Water Safety
Swimming and other activities are commonplace during the summer. They help families cool off and enjoy some physical activity. However, kids can drown or contract recreational water illnesses without learning water safety. Joseph Cianciotto recommends that parents take time to teach water safety skills to their children or enroll them in swimming classes.
Be Cautious of Heatstroke
On hot days, it is essential to keep an eye on your kids for signs of heatstroke, which can include headache, dizziness, nausea, and confusion. If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, take them to a cool place immediately and give them plenty of fluids. Parents need to bring enough water to ensure they and their children stay hydrated when going out.
Prevent Sunburn
Even mild sunburn can increase the risk of skin cancer later in life. Children, and especially adults, need protection from UV rays. Joseph Cianciotto recommends applying sunscreen when going out, seeking shade when necessary, and wearing a hat or clothing to protect your skin from the sun.
Protect Against Bug Bites
Mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects that thrive during the summer can carry harmful diseases. To prevent bug bites, use insect repellent when outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, and check the kids thoroughly for ticks after being in areas with high grasses or woods.
Practice Food Safety
Foodborne illnesses are more common in the summer because warmer temperatures provide a perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Parents should be cautious about what their kids eat. When cooking or handling food, be sure to practice food safety by washing your hands and cooking surfaces often, keeping food chilled, and avoiding cross-contamination.
If you have other summer safety tips, share them in the comment section. And for access to more family-related articles, subscribe to this Joseph Cianciotto blog.
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