Thursday, September 1, 2022

Joseph Cianciotto: Teaching children how to take care of their teeth

Childhood is a stage wherein people learn many basic but significant skills they take along with them as they grow older. One of these skills is keeping your mouth clean and healthy. In this article, Joseph Cianciotto explores some techniques for instilling good oral hygiene habits in your children.

Long Island resident and father Joseph Cianciotto points out that practicing dental hygiene may be daunting, tedious, or even frustrating for many kids. That said, teaching children the proper way of brushing and flossing, plus the importance of dental checkups is a job for parents and teachers.

Joseph Cianciotto says parents should take the time to brush and floss with their kids to encourage them to follow their parents' actions. Parents must also show their kids the proper technique to brush and floss so that the latter can mimic the best method in keeping teeth healthy.

Children also need toothbrushes that can keep their interest in brushing. Parents should look for brushes that have their child's favorite cartoon character as the design. It is also a good idea to combine the special toothbrush with a kid-friendly flavored toothpaste to further instill love and enjoyment in the activity.
Keep track of time to teach the child to brush their teeth for at least three minutes. You can use tools such as an hourglass by having the child flip it and brush their teeth until all the sand is at the bottom.

Lastly, Joseph Cianciotto mentions that parents can make brushing and flossing twice daily or visiting the dentist an opportunity to instill a reward system. For instance, when a child agrees to visit the dentist for a checkup, surprise them with a fun family activity afterward. This lets them know that taking good care of their teeth can be rewarding in many ways.

Digital media veteran, New York resident, and family man Joseph Cianciotto has written a series of blogs that can be found on this site.